Using MIDI messages and a simple serial communication system between my keyboard's MIDI out, an Arduino, and Processing, we can display notes being struck on the computer screen in real time, for everyone to see.
Here's what it looks like:
How it works:
MIDI messages are sent to the microcontroller over serial. The 3 message bytes are interpreted and a corresponding character is printed over serial, for the Processing program to read. The problem is that the Arduino can't read incoming bytes from the keyboard and print over the same serial channel. So we need SoftwareSerial to create another serial communication, over one of the digital pins (I am using 2).
Note: We need to establish the baud rate of the microcontroller to 31250 for MIDI communication.
Here is the setup:
- Arduino Code
- Processing Code
Possible improvements:
- Use 3rd midi byte to extract velocity (pressure applied to the key) and change size of text accordingly. This will emphasize keys that are struck harder.
- Polyphony: recognize and display chords.
- Display only the bass line, since that carries the most information for improvisations.